Simpson or Alan Ford “You’re not stupid, you’re just unlucky when you think”

Courtesy of about ALAN FORD

America has Simpsons, Britain has “Only Fools and Horses” but Italy has Alan Ford. “Only Fools and Horses” as TV Comedy started in 1981, Simpsons “modern” animation started in 1989 while the Alan Ford , that started in 1969, following tradition of Italian comics from 1908, is presented as a comic book. As many of you know Simpsons, and Derek “Del Boy” and Rodney I will concentrate on Alan Ford, that was not well known in tbe English speaking world as it was never translated in English. Maybe because he was Ford, Alan Ford and not Bond, James Bond. With acerbic wit the authors took satirical, biting, acidulous, black humor approach towards contemporary Western societies. Could be that English speaking part of that Wastern society, knowing that Ford, Alan Ford was comming from Italy, did not have the stomach to digest it. We will never know exept the fact , that it is “highly likely” to have happened. The same could have happened with the French translation. If Alan was Alain and Ford, you can imagine what, the translation might have been a success. If you do not associate or can not imagine the name Alain with something else, you can always Google it. Google has the proposals always ready. However there were enthusiasts that translated in 1975 and stop it only after 12 issues to be launched again in 2003!

Alan Ford was created by Max Bunker (Luciano Secchi) and Magnus (Roberto Raviola). Max Bunker, pen name of Luciano Massimiliano Secchi was born in 1939 and is still active, and he recently announced to the Italian media, after the release of the 650th edisode, that the end of 2023, will also be the end of the famous hero comics. This post is written as the addition to the story in my eBook Quarantine Diaries and Beyond, to keep Ford, you know, Alan Ford alive. Now that the end of Mr. Ford, Alan Ford and “TNT company” is announced one of the comics quotes comes to my mind:

“To get to an end, you must go back to the start.”

How to pursue that? Well maybe by using different quotes from the comics. With the quotes I will try to tickle your curiosity, your common sense, your imagination, and finally try to enable your inspiration to reach new heights.

So, the story of the secret agent Ford, Alan Ford, introduces to us the “Group” named TNT and teaches us that they are always at alert when someone approaches their safe house…

” Anybody there? – There is no one here! – If there is no one, who are you?- I am not the one you are looking for!- And how do you know whom I am looking for? – And how do you know that I do not know who you are looking for?!”

The”Group” named TNT is established by “NUMBER 1,” and their members are secret agents Alan Ford, Bob Rock, Sir Oliver, Grunf, The Chief(Boss) with real name Gervasius De Statui, and Jeremiah. Headquarters were in New York Fifth Avenue flower shop, which continuously operates without flowers. It ridicules the aspects of American and Western societies, including capitalism and racism, introducing COMMON SENSE!
And common sense is simple! As the words point! It is a SENSE that is COMMON as long as it is allowed by some invisible hand to be common! Otherwise, the quote – COMMON SENSE IS NOT SO COMMON APPLY!
But let’s concentrate how common becomes VERY COMMON! One , including me, can conclude that reading the comics like Alan Ford, your brain somehow(I know how,just playing a chicken), starts working with common sense as a ruler. The mind is gradually cleansed of manipulation and all the stuff complicating your life. Maybe that is the main reason why Alan Ford was never translated to English. Not to forget the trying with French.

While the people sleep, let them sleep! – This is not from Alan Ford. It’s mine, and it shows what Alan Ford comics can do. One more to share below that occurred during lockdown dog walk. Many wanted a dog in those days, and I had one for a long time. Having a Dog Makes You walk. Still it’s not from Alan Ford, it’s mine.
So, Reminding myself about Alan Ford and the Group called “TNT” I took a dog for a walk.

While walking, I was thinking if we require all those laws and norms being voted by elected officials every day, week, month! Do they make our life easier? Or more complicated?
And then there comes Alan Ford Number One and his Group again, to open up some of the chanels in the brain and take us to common sense, again, and again!
Having that in mind and walking with the dog at the beautiful park, refreshed with rain, with increased negative ions, another thought regarding the rules for walking the dog jumped out.
There might be an introduction to certain rules when you walk the dog. The most important is when you walk the dog, you can not sit on the bench. Walk is walk and dog is dog. And siting is not walking. So it is prohibited to sit while walking the dog. One might conclude that the above thought is some left over from lockdowns we all experienced. Well, it is! Happened to me. It was a beautiful conversation that reflects the quote from the title of this post- “You’re not stupid, you’re just unlucky when you think.” I would add, and just “doing your job.”

However, as the encounter was very interesting, I understood again that life is beautiful. Especially when I had Mr. Ford, Alan Ford comics as an ever boosting confidence companion. It is a sign of the life and human mind beauty.
Is this widely acceptable today? I mean is it acceptable to realize that life is beautiful and that it is worthy to fight for that?
Well, think by your self with the help of some of the quotes from Alan Ford Comics.

Let me start with the below quote, humble but meaningful.

“To get to an end, you must go back to the start”

And maybe some that reflect today’s state in world affairs:

“Strategic retreat is better than dishonorable defeat”

“The easiest way to turn defeat into victory is to put on the enemy uniform.”

“The enemy never sleeps,” so those who sleep are not enemies( that’s me).

“My dear Methuselah, you are young and strong while I am weak and old” – Number One (talking to the biblical Methuselah).

Enjoy the video here at

October 6th, 2023


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2 responses to “Simpson or Alan Ford “You’re not stupid, you’re just unlucky when you think””

  1. Brian Albee Avatar
    Brian Albee

    Thanks for the education on Alan Ford!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. philosophyofgoodnews Avatar

      Welcome. Glad you liked it.


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